Friday, 27 June 2014

I'm sorry for this extremely morose post.
I guess it's about acceptance...?


The inevitable, the only thing we know for sure, the only thing I know for sure is that at some point I will die. We will all die because it is inevitable.

I've never been extremely fond of the concept of death, it never really appealed to me (big woop) and I never really thought that far into it.

Until March... through the loss of a loved one.

I'm an incredibly optimistic person, almost too optimistic, too hopeful if that could ever be a bad thing? You wouldn't really think it is, but I'm no longer sure.

Now, I don't have a religious belief system. I 'm agnostic. I mean I obviously believe in feminism and gender equality and human rights but there is no 'supreme being' of who has great influence over my worldview, my values and furthermore, answers to my existential questions. I would probably deem this an overriding factor in my quest for acceptance in regards to death. I, personally have no idea what lies beyond the death of a loved one, let a lone anyone or myself... humanity. I've been brought up with christian values regarding the importance of family, education and trust however I haven't 'conformed' . Being in primary school and moreover, the growth into an adolescent teenager I have been influenced by the secular views of my friends and teachers. I was never able to find that 'connection' with god and christianity, it never appealed to me and never reeled me in to a point where it pervaded and dominated.

At the moment I am on a cliche' journey to discover how to centre myself as a person and find fulfilment and stability psychologically and after I have achieved that I will then move on to establish an answer to my existential questions. By no means will it take 5 days or 3 months, 15 years or my whole life, I may never actually figure it out, but if it's a learning experience then I'm definitely up for it.

I am definitely a logical person when it becomes to reality and my own life, I always search for logic and direction. I think it is why this troubles me so much but on the other hand, it also means that I can't put all of my faith in a religion unless I deem it logical.... and we all know religion isn't necessarily logical (others may beg to differ and that it absolutely fine). I have been exposed to christianity, I live in a conventional suburb where we are defined by the countless churches that surround the area, we are claimed to be the 'bible belt' but being only 17 years old I have not yet had the opportunity to explore other religions. I am exceedingly intrigued by Hinduism and Buddhism and Judaism and Modern Paganism. One day I plan to travel and experience these different cultures and their religions and even if I don't decide that they are relevant, at least I can feel some sense of fulfilment in that I have given myself the opportunity to explore.

Maybe then my subconscious fear of death can be concurred....

Tata for now.

Elena, x

Holi festival week – in pictures

The Holi festival or festival of colours is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna and marks the start of the spring season. The tradition of playing with colours draws its roots from a legend of Radha and the Hindu god Krishna.

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JUNE- Favourite Music

I thought a nice little monthly something-something would be quite pleasant.
So every month I'll be doing a recollection of all of the music I have been listening to throughout the month with links to them on youtube... Eventually I hope that my viewers will be able understand my music taste... it's incredibly versatile and please place some recommendations in the comments!

Here we go.....

1. London Grammar- Stay Awake

** I've actually loved these guys for a while but have stayed within my safety zone by listening to Hey Now and Strong... This month I ventured to experience some of their other stuff and experienced this.. enjoy. 

2. Haim- If I Could Change Your Mind

** Haim is my ultimate favourite, I cannot say enough about this insane band!

3. Alt J- Tesselate 

4. Ariana Grande- Problem 

5. Lianne La Havas- Is Your Love Big Enough

6. Benjamin Francis Leftwich- Atlas Hands

7. Daughter- Youth

8. Tame Impala- Elephant

9. Ball Park Music- Surrender

10. Kanye West- Bound 2

** I know it's incredibly sexist, however I can't deny the appeal of the chorus....

Tata for now, until next time.

Elena, x
The Australian education system is just simply unjust. The system as a whole in crisis...? The education system has failed 21st century students.

We've lost our competitive advantage, our ability to recreate, to learn and to absorb. Australia isn't teaching innovative creators but instead oppressed, spoon fed adolescents that come out of school with a negative attitude and an increased competitive psyche.

Knowledge has become a commodity, something that is used to motivate and encourage the Australian economy. School is no longer privileged as a place to learn, grow and challenge but instead a place to compete, become exceedingly psychologically unstable and become a artefact that can be compared with the mainstream individual. The creative imaginations that children once had, pre-kindergarten are no longer available.... our next generation is oppressed. We are restricted from our knowledge that should very well be constantly changing and growing exponentially. The extent to which our 'knowledge is free' has become essentially, a foreign concept. Our education system, the community of bewildered, repressive and unaware adults that use syllabus' as a way to stunt the rites of passage involving creative thinking and growth. Children are encouraged to memorise the planets, the stars, the periodic table of elements, however that can only take a person so far.

Our education system was created in an industrial era that is increasingly outdated. We are living in the modern age, the 21st century, 2014... a fast paced technological period. We are using this mass production style of education... a process of standardisation. A system that suits the all rounded, mainstream kid.. the perfect kid of which 99% of individuals do not fit into. Apparently this is how we want to produce the next generation and the generation after that. How long will it take us to realise that it isn't working...? That 16, 17 and 18 year olds are suffering from mental illness and anxiety, psychological instability that pervades everyday life... not only during the HSC but also into their adult lives. Are our authority figures totally oblivious or just inherently incapable of recognising this expanding crisis? There is change that needs to be made but apparently the people that dominate and determine are just plain impervious.

But we, as students need to look at ourselves.... we have power, we can have authority if we set our minds to it. Why are we so paralysed by fear? We are we swallowing our words.

What makes us think that a group of adults have ultimate control over every aspect of our life?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Hi Everyone....

I thought I'd just let you know that an extension of the exploration of my fabulously, brilliant, intelligent, superior, extraordinary self (please don't be oblivious to sarcasm) is on a personal and photography instagram page.

A little bit of self promotion here. But also a way to get to know me better. I love the way that photo's communicate the persona of an individual...

The gorgeous Alana at monument beach. You know, just casual mid-hair-do-tying. 


Manyana, NSW South Coast

A photo from a hike from Taronga Zoo to Balmoral Beach and back.

A little banana head at monument beach

After tonnes of experimenting I have finally perfected poached eggs even if no one in my family trusts me enough to eat them....




Boofy doing some shell collecting.


Art major work planning. 

Hi Guys,

So over the past few years or so, I haven't personally had the chance to expand and utilise the immense power that social media and the internet holds over society but I have been one of the millions of people who has stood back and watched it.

I really want to subvert the conventional, mainstream use of a blog.... or explore and share and elaborate on my thoughts, the thoughts that not only I, personally have, but the thoughts that permeate the 21st century society. I want to challenge people's values and beliefs and I want you guys to challenge my own. I'll put it all out there and we can discuss it...

Tata for now.

Elena x



About Me

My photo
I'm here to just write and create... about all the fun, groovy, good, little life adventures. I want to be a diary... an edited one at that. I love spontaneity and nature, the beach, music, festivals, genuine people ...


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