I'm a teenager, an adult? (By law...), a young girl who's only just out of school and hasn't even had the chance to explore the world... Our world. I know nothing. I'm so inedequate in comparison to others. I hold no power, no authority. I'm just living, floating along just how everyone else is.... Unfortunately. This is probably my number 1 internal conflict, the one thing I want to change, I mean there are so many things that I want to change. To name a few, poverty, the ultimate cure for cancer, feminism and gender equality?
Over the last year I have been through a hell of a lot... 1 HSC, 3 funerals... 3 deaths, 1 robbery, countless breakdowns.... I'm a strong optimist and a strong believer in 'everything happens for a reason' and I believe that over the last 12 months I have grown significantly as a person. All of this heartache and suffering, it can't have been all for nothing...?
Weirdly, it was the costraphobic feeling of being stuck on an aeroplane that made me think and reconsider... If you know me personally I do this more often than not. It helps me put things in perspective, something which I definitely aspire to do more often. I am such a miniscule part of our society....
There's my brain vomit #1 on this blog.
TATA for now,
Elena, x.
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